Blade and Soul There and Back Again and Again

Nearly 4 years ago, NCSoft launched Bract & Soul in Republic of korea. It'due south an MMO built from NCSoft's best and brightest, featuring the art of superstar Hyung Tae-Kim and a robust action combat system. The game has since been distributed to China, Nippon, and Taiwan, but North American fans have had to muddle through a different language to enjoy the game. Those fans have been asking for a Western localization for years and NCSoft West finally delivered in Jan. Has Blade & Soul been worth the wait?

It depends on what you lot're looking for in your MMO.

Blade & Soul is visually striking right from the get-go. Sure, Unreal Engine 3 shows its historic period here with relatively poor textures if yous look at anything closeup, simply the general artstyle is wonderfully unique. This is a Korean MMO and that culture is painted upon every surface, alongside some heavy wuxia influences. Mountainside cities stretch into the clouds, waterfalls dot the landscape, and vast deserts stretch out earlier you lot. Blade & Soul has some stunning vistas.

Getting around those vistas is equally enjoyable. At that place's no mounts in this game. Instead, the histrion character is completely cocky-sufficient, able to float through the air, push themselves forward off of nil, and walk on h2o. Y'all can fifty-fifty wall dash! Finally, there'due south static Dragon Pulses in each region that will launch yous from place to place. It's 1 of the game's highlights.

Blade & Soul'south plot is threadbare and mostly forgettable: You lot're the last educatee of Hong Sokyun, master of the Hongmoon style. When your entire schoolhouse is destroyed by the power hungry Jinsoyun, you're found floating in the ocean and saved by an old war veteran. And then begins your quest to principal the Hongmoon way and bring an end to Jinsoyun. That'southward pretty much the outline of the quest and while the game will touch upon your true mission here and there, it's mostly background to the leveling feel. It'south certainly not up to snuff compared to games similar Final Fantasy 14 or Guild Wars two.

It probably doesn't help that Blade & Soul's Western release is plagued by poor voice acting and rough translations. Honestly, given the audition this game seems to be reaching, I call back it might have been better for NCSoft just to go out the Korean voice acting in identify, because it'due south much, much stronger.

Where Blade & Soul excels and innovates is in its combat. In that location'south no tab-targeting, no motorcar-focus, and no static activity confined. Y'all have to aim at the enemy yous want to attack with the game's camera, so if you visually miss a strike, information technology misses in-game. (You lot concord Alt to change mouse move from camera to cursor, so yous can select menu items.) When you're in gainsay in Bract & Soul, things are constantly shifting. You'll accept 1 set of attacks and every bit the boxing progresses, what's available to you changes. Is your opponent downwardly? Here's a follow-upwards attack to stomp them into the dirt. If you lot've stunned an enemy, perhaps you desire to grapple for an alternate set up of attacks. Did some other player just knock down that target? If yous use the right assail, you'll create a combo with them!

In one case you've mastered the combat system, you'll discover there'south a flow country of basic combos, counters, stuns, grapples, throws, and follow-upwardly attacks. Blade & Soul's combat is active in the strongest sense of the word, even more than so than other activeness-oriented MMOs similar TERA and Guild Wars 2. It feels like a fighting game.

That's why Blade & Soul's PVP is where the magic is at. The PVP mode, which is split betwixt 1v1 Duels, 3v3 Matches, and world PVP, is where the game shines the brightest. Tactics and tight reflexes unpin the entire PVP system, leading to some keen matches if you find an equally skilled opponent. There's a strong give-and-accept, waiting for your foe to overcommit so you can exploit their weaknesses with a stun or grapple. You'll find some very tense matches, where a perfect counter will take you from a near-loss to victory. I don't particularly savor PVP in MMOs, but in Blade & Soul information technology's rather fun.

Well, most of the time. Unfortunately, balance seems to be a struggle for the game. The Western client launched with seven classes: Blade Primary, Destroyer, Force Master, Kung Fu Master, Assassinator, Blade Dancer, and Summoner. The classes are divided between the 4 humanoid races: the bones Jin and Yun, the massive Gon, and the diminutive Lyn. The Bract Primary is your jack-of-all-trades, using their swords to provide solid offense and defense. The Destroyer is BnS'due south heavy class, with a huge axe and the ability to literally selection up enemies and throw them around. Forcefulness Chief is the long-range mage class.

Bract Dancer takes the basic idea of the Blade Main, but sacrifices defenses for criminal offence and speed. The Assassin is all about your best Ninja fantasies, with a Decoy counter motility and the ability to movement swiftly around the battlefield. The Kung Fu Main is heavy on combos and counter timing, being one of the harder classes to play. Finally, the Summoner casts magic from a long-distance, while a cat familiar deals damage up close.

It's the last class that'south currently reigning in Bract & Soul'southward PVP. The combination of a familiar, long-distance attack, and great control abilities tends to put most other classes at a disadvantage when playing against a Summoner. Summoner currently holds a strong spot on the PVP rankings and dominates low-level PVP play. (The Korean game has completely unlike rankings, past the by.) In dissimilarity, the Forcefulness Primary holds the lesser spot. There's a solid middle in the tiers, just information technology can sometimes be demoralizing to come across the aforementioned form again and again. Balance is a key part of any competitive game, so it's something that should be looked at a bit more than here.

Within each form, there's a ton of diverseness. The skill system in Bract & Soul has you spending points to customize every single one of your abilities. For example, if you're a Kung Fu Master - my course of choice - you have five different abilities activated by hitting Tab. If you've chosen Flying Slam (a charge motility) every bit your Tab ability, there'due south still five Tiers of changes within that 1 movement that you tin spec for. Possibly, yous'd similar your Flying Slam to heal for the amount of damage dealt, or refresh the cooldown of other moves, or simply do more impairment. That'due south just changes to a single move. Even before you go to PVP, finding a good spec is a mountain'due south worth of work, just information technology'south of import if y'all're going to be PVPing or doing dungeons on a regular footing.

Unfortunately, where Bract & Soul intersects with other MMOs is where the game falters. Leveling to cap (level 45 currently) is relatively quick, which is good because that leveling experience is rote and boring. Go to hub, grab a ton of kill or collect quests, complete them, return to hub. This is pretty normal for any MMO, but that'due south where Blade & Soul'south strengths and weaknesses work against it in tandem. The gainsay is then great in PVP, but PVE against the AI is a ghost of that similar experience, with the player utilizing the same combos again and once more. The story is so light and the voice acting and then poor that you'll flip through questgiver lines at loftier speed. It doesn't help that most of the dungeons in the game aren't really dungeons, just progressive gauntlets of enemies with a boss at the end. Information technology's the same stuff as other MMOs, but if feels worse here because of the contrast.

PVE in Blade & Soul is also a lonely and anti-social feel. No one actually talks or communicates much, the mob tagging system means you'll actively avoid other players then they don't take your quest kills, and the dungeons are a free-for-all experience. You might have a poor player or two, but you lot tin still consummate the experience on your ain if you lot're good plenty. There's really no reason to care about the team. Rag on the holy trinity all you desire, simply it makes certain facets of a party needed and that need makes people more predisposed to things like communication.

Blade & Soul does allow for a decent amount of actor expression though. The armor arrangement, the Soul Shields, is completely separated from the visual costume organization. NCSoft has created a variety of complete outfits for every character, normally themed. A number are available equally quest and dungeon rewards, but some of the most improvident are available through the game's cash shop. In that location's a constant infusion of new outfits in the cash store, as that'southward where Blade & Soul looks to make the most of its coin. That also ends up being one of the drawbacks as some costumes are but available through random games of chance, or fifty-fifty worse, are random drops from purchasable boxes on the cash shop. The latter is what has the Western fanbase mostly up in arms. (It would likewise exist cool if BnS offered a costume dye system at all.)

While Blade & Soul is free, y'all'll find that you're rather limited if you lot don't pick up a Premium Membership or other add-ons. The Premium Membership offers a wardrobe eolith, increased experience proceeds, lower market place fees, and discounts on items in the greenbacks shop. Even with a Premium Membership, you only have 2 grapheme slots and a pretty express inventory. Expect to throw some money at Blade & Soul to get the quality of life features that many players expect.

The departure betwixt the most recent Hongmoon Store and Valentine'southward Day costumes.

There's also something to be said for the relative lean of Bract & Soul'south costumes. Artist Hyung Tae-Kim is known for his scantily-clad female characters with rather "healthy assets" and twisted spines, then you should know what y'all're getting into already. Many players utilise the rather robust character creator to brand pretty female characters with absolutely huge breasts that sway to and fro, via rather aggressive jiggle physics. This is compounded by many of the female costumes, which are threadbare are best and rather open up in certain regions at worst. This would exist better if NCSoft had stuck to its promise to provide more than even costumes for male and female person characters, merely you're far more likely to find someone took the shears to the female version of a costume, if there's fifty-fifty a male version available. Which is to say, if you're going to go that route, allow everybody arrive equally on the fun.

In the terminate, I didn't similar Blade & Soul equally much every bit I wanted to. General movement through the world and the PVP gainsay was a nail, but that'southward let downward by the relatively tiresome PVE experience. Even PVP-only players have to grind their way through PVE, because you'll be missing sure skills and abilities if you're non at the level cap. Blade & Soul is a game going in two different directions instead of merely focusing on what makes it great. That said, if you're willing to boom your way through to level cap and you desire to await flashy equally yous partake in some great PVP, Blade & Soul is probably the game for you.

Lasting entreatment
Mentally, y'all should care for this as a fighting game with additional PVE gameplay. That ways it'll last for a while and the Usa release is significantly backside the Korean one, then there's more content coming.

Blade & Soul looks actually proficient, if you don't go side by side to some objects and see the poor textures.

Blade & Soul has the PVP pedigree to stand at the tiptop of the MMO heap, which is why the rather rote PVE stands out. You'll have to go through some soulless grinding before you get to the corking PVP. If martial arts-laden PVP isn't your thing, in that location are better MMOs out there.


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Mike Williams

Reviews Editor

Thousand.H. Williams is new to the journalism game, but he's been a gamer since the NES commencement graced American shores. Third-person action-adventure games are his personal poisonous substance: Uncharted, Infamous, and Assassinator's Creed just to name a few. If y'all see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Blackness guy, spectacles, and a necktie.


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