MLA Citation Examples

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Published Apr 10, 2020. Updated April 19, 2022.

Welcome to the EasyBib MLA Commendation Guide! If you've landed on this folio, you lot're probably wondering what MLA citing is, or perhaps you demand help creating an MLA citation or two. This page is fully stocked with the information you need to be an MLA citing motorcar.

While EasyBib isn't officially affiliated with the Mod Language Clan, we've included page numbers throughout this guide to demonstrate that the data on this folio reflects the content from the official Handbook. Click here to learn more about the 9th edition of the handbook.

If y'all're wondering, "What is MLA?" and in need of some groundwork data on the organisation, take a peek at the Modern Language Clan'southward site. Y'all'll find tons of handy information related to referencing and writing mechanics.

Here's a run-through of everything this page includes:

  • What's an MLA citation?
  • A Standard Formula
    • 2 authors
    • 3 or more authors
    • System authors
  • Using the EasyBib MLA Citation Generator
  • MLA Citation Examples
    • Impress book
    • Edited book
    • Chapter in an edited book
    • E-book from the Internet
    • Website
    • Online journal commodity
    • Print periodical commodity
    • Online magazine
    • Print magazine
    • Online newspaper
    • Print newspaper
    • Online image
    • Print prototype
    • Images viewed in real life
    • Online video
    • Streamed testify
    • Streamed music
    • Sheet music
    • Social media examples
  • Next Steps

What'south an MLA commendation?

Anytime a piece of information from another source is added into your MLA style paper, you must create two citations, or references, to show the reader where the information originated. 1 reference is placed in the written text of the paper, and the other is placed at the end of the project.

The reference that is placed in the written text of the newspaper, called an in-text commendation, comes immediately next to any borrowed information. It provides a glimpse for the reader to see who the original author is and where the information was found. When creating in-text citations, information technology'due south also of import to know how to format folio numbers in MLA.

Here'south an MLA example:

Distraction knows how to handle life on the river. "I attempt to count the seconds before I hear the thunder, so I know how far the storm is, only I'm too rattled" (Wingate 12).

Check out the total EasyBib MLA in-text & parenthetical citations guide to learn more about styling these types of references.

The other type of reference, which we'll call a full reference, is placed at the stop of the project. It includes enough information virtually the source so the reader can locate the source themselves, if they cull to do so, whether online or at their library.

Here's the full reference, which corresponds to the in-text citation to a higher place:

Wingate, Lisa. Before We Were Yours. Random Business firm, 2017.

Observe that the beginning of the reference in the text, Wingate, corresponds with the first word in the total reference. This is very important! Information technology allows for the reader to discover the total reference on the MLA works cited page.

Wondering if you tin can create MLA footnotes instead? You sure can! All the same, in this style, information technology's more than mutual to utilise references in the text of your paper.

If it'southward assist with an APA in-text citation or APA parenthetical citation y'all're later on, you're in luck! Our comprehensive guides are here for you!

Various types of styles

There are many different ways to style references, and following MLA's guidelines are just i way to exercise so. Ii other well-known and pop styles to structure references include APA and Chicago.

Your teacher probably told you which way to create your references in. If you were told to apply a different way, such every bit APA or Chicago, here are some links to aid you lot become started.

The EasyBib APA citations guide has everything you need to learn how to create references in this fashion. Or, if you're looking for help with structuring the paper itself (spacing, font, margins, etc.), check out the EasyBib APA format page. If y'all need help with more styles, EasyBib always has your dorsum, with thousands of styles available!

A Standard Formula

The dandy thing about MLA citations is that full references follow one standard formula. Then, it doesn't affair if you're attempting to reference a book, newspaper article, or Facebook mail, as almost every source type is structured the same way, following an MLA template.

Hither'due south a step-by-step guide that gives you the key to the cloak-and-dagger sauce:

ane. Who created the source?

Is your source written or created by an individual? If yes, place their name in reverse social club, with a period at the end, like this:

Jackson, Michael.

If at that place are multiple individuals responsible for the work, place them in the order they're shown on the source

Ii Authors:

Concluding Name, Showtime Name, and First Proper noun Last Proper name.

Owens, Michael, and Scott Abrahams.

Three or More Authors:

According to page 112 of the Handbook, only include the starting time listed author's proper name, in reverse order, followed by a comma, and omit all other names. Supervene upon the boosted names with the Latin phrase, et al.

Last Name, First Name, et al.

Preston, Rebekah, et al.

Organization authors:

If an arrangement is responsible for the piece of work, you may include the organization's proper noun. Even so, in many cases, an organization is listed every bit BOTH the writer and publisher. When this is the case, you tin can get out the author out, first the commendation with the source's championship, and include the system name merely as the publisher.

Dinosaur Facts. American Museum of Natural History,

2. What's the title?

Sometimes in that location are two titles related to your source, and sometimes in that location's only one.

If the source you're referencing has two title parts, place the smaller part in quotation marks, followed by a period, and the larger role in italics, followed past a comma.

Think about the song, "Beat out It," by Michael Jackson. "Beat out Information technology" is the title of the song, but there's another championship too. The title of the album! The championship of the anthology is Thriller.

Hither'south how the two titles would be structured:

"Vanquish Information technology." Thriller,

The album, Thriller, serves as the "container" for the vocal itself.

The term " container " is used extensively throughout the official guide. In addition to songs and albums, other types of titles and their containers tin can include:

  • "Web Folio Manufactures." Websites,
  • "Volume Capacity." Titles of Books,
  • "Periodical Articles." Titles of Journals,

…plus many more than!

To make things even more interesting, there are times when there's more than than one container! Recall almost an episode of a television set show. The tv series is the starting time container, only if you watched information technology on a streaming site, the streaming site would exist the 2nd container.

If there are ii containers, the 2d ane is added at the end of the reference.

"The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson." Performances by John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, and Zach Forest. The Simpsons, season 31, episode 12, Trick Broadcasting, 16 Feb. 2020. Hulu,

Let's suspension that downwards:

  • Title: "The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson."
    • Container i: The Simpsons
      • Container ii: Hulu

There are times when two titles aren't included in a reference. If, instead of referencing the vocal "Beat It," you're referencing the entire anthology, exclude the quotation marks. Only include the 1 championship and place it in italics, without quotation marks.

Here's how you would reference the entire anthology, rather than one song on the album:

Jackson, Michael. Thriller. Produced past Quincy Jones, Westlake Recording Studios, 1982.

For more on titles and containers, head to pages 134-145 of the official Handbook.

If you decide to utilize EasyBibs citation generator MLA creator, we'll assist you structure the titles and containers in just a few clicks!

three. Any other contributors?

If there are any other people, likewise the writer, who had a significant function, and yous feel information technology would be helpful to include their name in the reference, this information is added after the title. Include their office and proper name in standard society, followed by a comma.

Produced by Quincy Jones,

For other types of sources, there may exist other roles and individuals to highlight. Here are a few examples:

  • Performance past Sid Caesar,
  • Translated past Sarah Martin,
  • Narrated past Rita Williams-Garcia,

4. Are you referencing a specific version?

Perhaps there is a specific edition of a book, vocal version, or moving picture cutting. Include this information next, followed past a comma.

Google Play Sectional Edition,

Other examples could include:

  1. 2nd ed.,
  2. Director's cut,
  3. Unedited ed.,
  4. Instrumental version,

5. Got numbers?

Any numbers associated with the source, such every bit a volume and effect number, or episode number, are added side by side, followed by a comma.

For example, many journal manufactures have volume and consequence numbers. Apply vol. before the book number and no. before the consequence number.

vol. 2, no. 3,

Wondering what to exclude from your citations MLA paper? ISBN numbers! They're never added into references.

6. Who published the source?

This information is added next in the reference, followed by a comma. Since the publisher listed is commonly the formal name of a company or system, use title case.


Random House,

Curiosity Studios,

seven. When was it published?

The date the source was published comes side by side, followed past a comma.


In the official Handbook, the references are displayed equally Twenty-four hours Month Year. If the calendar month is longer than 4 letters, abridge it.

four November. 2019,

28 July 2015,

If you tin't find the source date, only exit it out. Note: Some teachers want students to make a source with "no date" as "northward.d." If yous're unsure what your instructor wants, check in with them.

8. Where can you find the source?

The final component of the formula is the location.

  • If the source was found online, this should exist a website address. Brand sure to omit https:// from the front of the string.
  • It can be an actual location too, if the source is something you saw in a museum or elsewhere in real life.
  • Or, it can likewise be a page number or page range.
  • Always close out the reference with a flow.

Now, let'southward put all of the pieces together. Here's what we come up up with for our MLA citation example:

Jackson, Michael. "Vanquish It." Thriller, produced past Quincy Jones, Google Play Sectional Edition, Epic, 1982,

Example breakdown:

one. Who created the source? Jackson, Michael.
2. What'southward the championship? "Beat It." Thriller,
three. Whatever other contributors? produced by Quincy Jones,
four. Got numbers or editions? Google Play Exclusive Edition,
5. Who published the source? Ballsy,
6. When was information technology published? 1982,
7. Where tin can you discover the source?

Some things to keep in listen:

i. It's not necessary to include every slice to the puzzle. Only include the data that the reader would demand in social club to successfully locate the source themselves.

For case, in the Thriller case above, you'll encounter there aren't whatsoever specific numbers (besides the publication appointment) in the reference. Why? There aren't any numbers associated with the source.

two. If you're looking for help, the EasyBib MLA citation creator helps you develop your references. Requite it a whirl! Information technology's costless and easy to use! Nervous to effort it out? Hither's a quick rundown on how to use it.

Using the EasyBib MLA Citation Generator

Reserve the precious time you take for researching and writing, rather than wrapping your head around MLA guidelines, rules, and structures. The EasyBib citing tool is here to help you hands create citations for all your papers and turn you into a citing, MLA machine!

Follow these steps:

  1. Find your source. We have over 50 types of sources to cull from.
  2. You'll exist directed to i of two types of forms:
    • Our automatic generator (shown below) creates references using source data already available on the Internet. Simply type in a few key pieces of information about the source and click "Search."
    • Our manual course creates your references based on the information you enter. Fill out the form and click "Complete Commendation."
  3. The like shooting fish in a barrel-to-follow directions guide you through the remainder of the procedure. Follow the steps on the screen and watch the magic happen in a few clicks and keystrokes!
  4. Copy and paste your completed reference into your project or export it to your document.

The EasyBib MLA format generator isn't all that's available. There are also tons of other nifty features, all bachelor on our homepage, including an MLA title page maker and an innovative plagiarism checker! That'southward non all, in that location are many other thorough guides to aid y'all with your referencing needs. Check out the EasyBib APA reference page, plus many more!

MLA Citation Examples

MLA citing is easier when you have visuals and examples to have a peek at. That'due south why we've put together a list of the most common source types that students and scholars reference. If you're trying to reference a volume, newspaper commodity, website, or tweet, you'll find the structures you demand to get on the right track.

Pro tip: Don't exit your references for the last infinitesimal! In your MLA outline or notes, keep rails of the sources you employ. This will assistance make the entire procedure easier for you!

Below are examples for these sources:

  1. Impress book
  2. Edited book
  3. Chapter in an edited volume
  4. East-book from the Internet
  5. Website
  6. Online periodical commodity
  7. Print journal article
  8. Online magazine
  9. Print magazine
  10. Online newspaper
  11. Print newspaper
  12. Online image
  13. Print image
  14. Images viewed in real life
  15. Online video
  16. Streamed testify
  17. Streamed music
  18. Sheet music
  19. Social media examples


Full reference construction:

Writer'southward Final Name, Starting time Name. Volume Championship. Publisher, Yr published.


Baron, Dennis. What'southward Your Pronoun ? Across He & She. Liveright, 2020.

In-text structures: Author's Concluding Name…(page number). (Author's Last Proper name page number).
Example: Businesswoman…(82). (Businesswoman 82).

If, instead, you need assistance with referencing an APA volume citation, the linked guide walks y'all through the process!


This information is located on folio 112-113 of the official Handbook.

Full reference structure:

Editor's Last Proper name, First Name, editor. Title of Book. Ed., Publisher, year published.


Bausch, Richard, and R. V. Cassill, editors. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. 8th ed., W.W. Norton, 2015.

In-text structures: Editor'south Last Proper name…(page number) (Editor's Final Name page number)
Example: Bausch and Cassill…(144) (Bausch and Cassill 144)

Affiliate IN AN EDITED Book

Full reference structure:

Affiliate Author'south Last Proper noun, First Proper name. "Championship of Chapter." Title of Book, edited by Start Name Last Name, ed., Publisher, yr published, page range.


Woolf, Virginia. "Kew Gardens." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, edited past Richard Bausch and R. V. Cassill, 8th ed., West.W. Norton, 2015, pp. 43-62.

In-text structures: Affiliate Author's Last Proper noun…(folio number) (Chapter Author's Last Name folio number)
Instance: Woolf…(57). (Woolf 57)


Full reference structure:

Author'southward Terminal Proper noun, Get-go Name. Title of Due east-book. Publisher, year published. Title of Website, web accost.


London, Jack. The Sea-Wolf. Grosset & Dunlap, 1904, ia802701.united states of

In-text structures: E-volume Author'south Terminal Name…(page number) (E-book Author's Last Proper name folio number)
Example: London…(70). (London 70)

If you're attempting to reference an e-book from an e-reader, such as a Nook or Kindle, use the EasyBib MLA citation generator. We'll aid you structure your e-book references in no time!


Total reference structure:

Author's Final Name, Kickoff Proper noun. "Championship of Web Page." Title of Website, Website publisher (if different from website name), date published, URL.


Sabat, Yaika. "Puerto Rican Writers, Poets, and Essayists." BookRiot, Riot New Media Group, 22 Nov. 2017,

In-text structures: Spider web Page Author's Last Proper name… (Web Folio Author'south Terminal Name)
Case: Sabat… (Sabat)

If yous need more than information on how to cite websites in MLA, check out the full-length EasyBib guide! Or, have the guesswork out of forming your references and try the EasyBib automatic MLA citation machine!

Need an APA commendation website or aid with another popular referencing manner? EasyBib Plus may be exactly what you need.


Full reference structure:

Commodity Author'southward Last Name, Beginning name. "Championship of Article." Championship of Periodical, vol. number, issue no., date published, folio range. Title of Website, DOI or URL.


Ioannidou, Elena, et al. "Greek in Enclave Communities: Language Maintenance of the Varieties of Cypriot Romeika in Republic of cyprus and Cretan Greek in Cunda, Turkey." Mediterranean Language Review, vol. 26, 2019, pp. 157-186. JSTOR,

In-text structures: Online Periodical Commodity Writer's Last Name…(page number) (Online Journal Article'due south Last Name page number)
Case: Ioannidou et al.…(164). (Ioannidou et al. 164)

To come across an online journal example in activeness, check out the EasyBib MLA sample paper, which is discussed at the bottom of this guide. Besides, don't forget virtually the easy-to-utilize, EasyBib automated generator. Finish typing into Google "citation maker MLA" and go to instead!


Total reference structure:

Article Writer'south Final Proper name, First Proper name. "Championship of Article." Title of Periodical, vol. number, issue no., date published, page range.


Brundan, Katy. "What We Tin can Learn From the Philologist in Fiction." Criticism, vol. 61, no. 3, summer 2019, pp. 285-310.

In-text structures: Print Journal Article Writer'southward Final Name…(page number) (Impress Periodical Article Author'southward Last Name folio number)
Case: Brundan…(303) (Brundan 303)

If information technology's referencing an APA journal you're later on, click on the link for the informative EasyBib guide on the topic.

If you're looking for an MLA citation maker to assist you build your bibliography, try out the EasyBib MLA generator. Blazon in a few key pieces of data almost your source and lookout man the magic happen!


Full reference structure:

Commodity Author's Last Proper name, Commencement Proper noun. "Championship of Mag Commodity." Title of Magazine, vol. number, issue no., date published, page range. Championship of Website, website accost.


Natarajan, R. "Preparing for Education 4.0." Education Globe, vol. 21, no. one, Jan. 2020, p. 40. EZineMart, world wide

In-text structures: Online Magazine Article Author'southward Last Proper noun…(page number) (Online Magazine Article Author'due south Terminal Proper noun page number)
Example:  Natarajan… (Natarajan)*

*In the above instance, Natarajan's commodity only sits on 1 page, so it's unnecessary to include the page number in the reference in the text.

Print Magazine

Full reference structure:

Article Writer's Last Name, Commencement Name. "Title of Impress Magazine Article." Championship of Impress Mag, vol. number, issue no., date published, folio range.


Seymour, Gene. "Henry James and Pigs' Feet: Ralph Ellison'southward Letters Fulfill His Dandy Beginning Novel'due south Promise." Bookforum, vol. 26, no. 5, Feb/Mar. 2020, pp. 14-15.

In-text structures: Print Magazine Article Author'south Last Name…(page number) (Print Magazine Commodity'south Last Name folio number)
Example: Seymour…(14) (Seymour 14)

Impress magazines are always fun to read, but know what else is a party? Brushing up on your grammar skills! Check out the thorough EasyBib grammar guides on adverb, determiner, and preposition pages!


Total reference construction:

Article Author's Last Name, First Proper noun. "Title of Online Newspaper Commodity." Title of Paper [Metropolis]*, date published, section name (if applicable), folio range. Title of Website, URL.


Berthiaume, Lee. "Backlog of Applications for Vets' Benefits Grows Past The Thousands." Toronto Star, xi Feb. 2020, A9. PressReader, world wide

In-text structures: Online Newspaper Article Author'due south Last Proper name…(folio number) (Online Newspaper Commodity Author's Last Name folio number)
Example: Berthiaume… (Berthiaume)**

*You do not need to include the city proper noun in your citation if the city name is in the name of the paper or if it is a national or international paper.

**Since the higher up article is only on one folio, information technology'south not necessary to include the folio number in the text reference of your MLA style citation.

Need assistance? Use the EasyBib MLA citation automobile, which guides you through the process of making newspaper references! Quit searching on Google for "how to MLA commendation" and visit today!


Full reference construction:

Article Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Print Newspaper Article." Title of Newspaper [City],* date published, section name (if applicable), page range.


Larry, Gordon. "Sending Mom and Dad Off to Higher for the Day." Los Angeles Times, 11 Feb. 2020, pp. B1-B2.

In-text structures: Print Newspaper Commodity Author'south Concluding Name…(page number) (Print Newspaper Commodity Author's Concluding Name page number)
Instance: Gordon…(B1) (Gordon B1)

*You lot do non need to include the city proper noun in your commendation if the city name is in the name of the newspaper or if information technology is a national or international newspaper.

If your periodical article falls on nonconsecutive page numbers, add together a plus sign later the commencement page number and omit the additional pages from whatsoever full references. Case: pp. B1+ (This information is located on page 193 in the official Handbook). Don't forget, the EasyBib citation car MLA creator tin can help you construction all your citation information!


Full reference construction:

Artist's Concluding Name, Beginning Name. "Title of Artwork or Image." Championship of Website, appointment published (if available), URL.


Chapman, C. T. "Miss Jeannette Rankin, of Montana, Speaking from the Balcony of the National American Adult female Suffrage Clan, Monday, April two, 1917." Library of Congress,

In-text structures: Online Epitome Creative person'southward Last Proper noun (Online Image Artist's Last Name)
Example: Chapman… (Chapman)

If yous're still confused nigh referencing online images, requite the EasyBib MLA format generator a whirl. In merely a few clicks, yous'll take well-structured MLA citations!


If y'all're looking to reference an image seen in a print book, use the structure below. Or, utilise the "Drawing," "Photo," "Painting," or "Map" forms found on the EasyBib MLA generator for citations.

Full reference construction:

Creative person's Final Name, First Name. Title of Artwork or Image. Twelvemonth created. Championship of Container, additional contributors (if applicable), Publisher, engagement published, page(south).


Bentley, W. A. Snow Crystals. 1922. Snowflakes in Photographs, Courier Corporation, 2012, pp. 1-67.

In-text structures: Artist'due south Last Name…(page number) (Artist'south Concluding Name page number)
Example: Bentley…(13) (Bentley 13)

In demand of a citation automobile MLA maker to help save some of your precious time? Try EasyBib'southward generator. Head to the EasyBib homepage and kickoff developing your references today!


If y'all viewed an image in real life, whether at a museum, on display in a building, or even on a billboard, this EasyBib MLA citation guide case includes the virtually mutual way to reference information technology.

Total reference structure:

Artist'south Last Name, Commencement Name. Title of Artwork or Epitome. Engagement created, Museum or Edifice, Location.


Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Antwerp: Van Goyen Looking Out for a Subject. 1833, The Frick Drove, New York.

In-text structures: Artist's Final Name…. (Artist's Concluding Proper name)
Instance: Turner…. (Turner)


For the bulk of online video references, the reference should start with the championship of the video. The information about the account that uploaded the video should exist included in the "Other Contributors" space.

Total reference structure:

"Title of the Online Video." Title of Website, uploaded past Username, date uploaded, URL.


"Jimmy and Kevin Hart Ride a Roller Coaster." YouTube, uploaded by The This evening Prove Starring Jimmy Fallon, 18 June 2014,

In-text structures: "Championship of Online Video"…(fourth dimension stamp) ("Abbreviated Title of Online Video" time stamp)
Example: "Jimmy and Kevin Hart Ride a Roller Coaster"…(00.02.17)

After the offset in-text reference, it's acceptable to shorten the title when referencing again

"Jimmy and Kevin Hart"…(00.03.eleven)

("Jimmy and Kevin Hart" 00.02.17)

The title should always be shortened to the first substantive phrase in parenthetical citations when possible .

For more on learning how to cite MLA timestamps, turn to page 250 in the official Handbook.

It's common to encounter online videos featured in an annotated bibliography. Have a look at the useful guide to learn how to create one from scratch!


Streamed shows (sometimes chosen online or streamed "television shows") are watched using a service such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, or another subscription streaming site.

Full reference construction:

"Title of Episode." Title of Series, contributor names (if applicable), flavour number, episode number, Publisher/Network name, date aired or published. Streaming Service, URL.


"Affiliate 2: The Child." The Mandalorian, season 1, episode 2, Disney Media Distribution, 15 Nov. 2019. Disney+,

In-text structures: "Title of Episode"… ("Shortened Title of Episode")
Example: "Chapter 2: The Kid"…(00.23.13) ("Chapter 2" 00.23.13)

If you accessed a streamed show through an app, the proper noun of the app tin exist displayed at the cease of the citation equally "[Name of Service] app" instead of including the URL.


Full reference structure:


"Championship of Episode." Title of Series, contributor names (if applicative), season number, episode number, Publisher/Network name, date aired or published. Streaming Service app.


"Chapter 2: The Child." The Mandalorian, season 1, episode 2, Disney Media Distribution, fifteen Nov. 2019. Disney+ app.

Subsequently you're through binging on your favorite shows, give yourself some brain fuel past taking a glance at the EasyBib grammar guides. Accept your writing up a notch with the guides on interjection, conjunction, and verb pages!


Full reference structure:

Singer'due south Last Proper noun, First Name OR Phase Proper noun/Proper name of Musical Group. "Title of Song." Championship of Anthology, edition if applicable, Publisher, year of publication. Title of Streaming Music Website, spider web address.*


Postal service Malone. "Better At present." Beerbongs & Bentleys, Republic Records, 2018. Spotify,

In-text structures: Vocalist's Terminal Proper name or Grouping Name (Singer's Last Name or Group)
Instance: Post Malone…. (Post Malone)

*If you accessed a streamed song through an app, the name of the app tin can be displayed at the end of the commendation as "[Name of Service] app" instead of including the URL.

Streamed music can exist tricky to reference, specially with the broad variety of streaming services available on the web and through apps. Don't worry, the EasyBib MLA citation maker can come in and salve the solar day for you. Try information technology out at present! To make it fifty-fifty easier, bookmark the EasyBib citation machine MLA maker for quick access!


Full reference structure:

Composer's Final Name, First Name. Title of Musical Piece. Date of original composition.* Publisher, date published. Title of Container, web address.


Gershwin, George. Rhapsody in Bluish for Piano and Orchestra. 1924. The Library at MusOpen,

In-text structures: Composer'southward Last Proper noun…(measures x-x) (Composer'due south Last Name measures x-x)
Example: Gershwin…(measures 3-4) (Gershwin measures 3-4)

*You lot can include the original composition appointment as supplemental information between the championship and publisher. It may exist helpful to include this information if the piece was composed much earlier than the sheet music you are citing or if the arrangement has significantly inverse from the original.


Notable individuals consistently share pictures, videos, and ideas on social media, which is why social media is often referenced in today'due south research papers. If you're looking to add together a reference for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or Instagram in your MLA paper, check out the structures and examples beneath.


Total reference structure:

Last Name, First Name [Username]*. "Total text of tweet." (If it's longer than 140 characters, it's acceptable to only include the first office with 3 ellipses at the terminate.) Twitter, engagement posted, URL.


Eilish, Billie. "Billie's premiere performance of 'No Fourth dimension To Die' will exist at the 2020 #BRITS on 2/18. Billie will be accompanied by @FINNEAS, @HansZimmer, and @Johnny_Marr." Twitter, 13 Feb. 2020,

In-text structure: Writer Last Name…. (Author Concluding Name)
Example: Eilish… (Eilish)

*When the account name and username are similar, the username can be excluded from the commendation. For case, if the account's username was @FirstNameLastName or @OrganizationName.

If the tweet is composed of merely an image or video, create a description for information technology and do not place it in quotation marks. For example:

DJ Serpent. Video of studio controls with music playing. Twitter, eleven February. 2020,

Odds are, y'all could spend hours scrolling through Twitter to take hold of upward on the latest news and gossip. Why not spend some time scrolling through the EasyBib grammar guides instead? Cheque out these informative noun and adjective guides to help keep your writing in bank check!


Total reference structure:

First Name Last Proper noun or Page Proper name. "Title of Facebook postal service" or Description of Facebook post if it lacks text or a title or consists entirely of a photograph or video. Facebook, engagement posted, URL.


Cabello, Camila. Update to fans afterward social media pause. Facebook, 4 Feb. 2020,

In-text structure: Facebook Poster's Last Name… (Facebook Poster's Last Name)
Example: Cabello… (Cabello)


Full reference construction:

Author's Terminal Name, Get-go Name [Reddit username if different than their name]. "Text of Reddit headline." Reddit, date posted, URL.


[u/maupalo]. "How do you experience nearly professors taking attendance?" Reddit, 21 February. 2020, world wide how_do_you_feel_about_professors_taking_attendance/.

In-text construction: Reddit Poster's Concluding Proper noun or Username (Reddit Affiche's Last Proper noun or Username)
Example: Reddit user u/maupalo… (u/maupalo)


Total reference structure:

Concluding Name, First Name [Username if different]. "Text of Instagram explanation" or Clarification if information technology lacks text and consists of a photo or video without a caption. Instagram, other contributors (if applicable), appointment posted, URL.


Eilish, Billie. Profile photo of Billie holding a white microphone with a black background. Instagram, 28 Jan. 2020,

In-text structure: Last proper noun… (Last Name)
Instance: Eilish… (Eilish)

Looking for other types of sources, such every bit government and archival documents? Here'due south more info.

Next Steps

Now that you've figured out how to fashion your references, the side by side footstep is structuring your written piece of work according to this manner'southward guidelines. The thorough EasyBib MLA format guide provides you with the information you demand to structure the font, MLA title folio (or MLA comprehend page), newspaper margins, spacing, plus more! There'south fifty-fifty a sample MLA paper, too!

Piece of work Cited

MLA Handbook. 9th ed., Modern Linguistic communication Clan of America, 2021.

Published April 9, 2020. Updated July 25, 2021.

Written by Michele Kirschenbaum. Michele Kirschenbaum is a schoolhouse library media specialist and is the in-business firm librarian at

Is the EasyBib Citation Generator free?

It'due south 100% complimentary to create MLA citations. The EasyBib Citation Generator as well supports seven,000+ other commendation styles. These other styles—including APA, Chicago, and Harvard—are accessible for anyone with an EasyBib Plus subscription.

Why should I apply the EasyBib Commendation Generator?

No affair what citation style you lot're using (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) the EasyBib Citation Generator tin help you lot create the right bibliography quickly.

Can I download my sources?

Yeah, there'due south an option to download source citations as a Word Doc or a Google Doctor. You may likewise re-create citations from the EasyBib Citation Generator and paste them into your paper.

Exercise I take to create an account?

Creating an account is not a requirement for generating MLA citations. Even so, registering for an EasyBib account is free and an account is how yous can relieve all the commendation you create. This tin assistance get in easier to manage your citations and bibliographies.

Tin can I create a manual citation?

Aye! Whether you'd similar to learn how to construct citations on your ain, our Autocite tool isn't able to get together the metadata y'all need, or anything in between, transmission citations are e'er an option. Click here for directions on using creating manual citations.

What should I practise if information about my source is missing?

If any important data is missing ( thousand., author'due south proper noun, title, publishing date, URL, etc.), first see if y'all tin can find it in the source yourself. If you cannot, go out the information blank and continue creating your commendation.

What citation style does the EasyBib Commendation Generator support?

It supports MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, and over 7,000 total commendation styles.

What is an MLA in-text citation?

An in-text commendation is a curt citation that is placed adjacent to the text being cited. The basic element needed for an in-text citation is the author'south proper name. The publication year is not required in in-text citations. Sometimes, page numbers or line numbers are besides included, especially when text is quoted from the source being cited. In-text citations are mentioned in the text in two means: as a citation in prose or a parenthetical citation.

Citation in prose

Citations in prose are incorporated into the text and act as a part of the sentence. Normally, citations in prose employ the author'due south total proper noun when cited the starting time time in the text. Thereafter, only the surname is used. Avert including the middle initial even if information technology is present in the works-cited-list entry. An example of the first citation in prose for one author is given below:


Carol Fitzerald explains the picture of the surface area.


Parenthetical citations add together only the author's surname at the end of the sentence in parentheses. An instance of a parenthetical citation is given below:

The picture of the area is explained (Fitzgerald).

When are other components included?

When you quote a specific line from the source, you lot can include a folio number or a line number in in-text citations. Examples of both a citation in prose and a parenthetical citation are given below. Exercise not add "p." or "pp." before the page number(s).


Swan says, "Postglacial viability and colonization in Due north America is to be studied" (47).

Though some researchers merits that "Postglacial viability and colonization in Northward America is to be studied" (Swan 47).

In-text citations should exist concise. Do not echo author names in parentheses if the proper name is mentioned in the text (the citation in prose).

How practise I cite a periodical in the text in MLA?

To cite a journal such equally a journal, magazine, or newspaper, in the text, the bones element needed is the author's proper name. The publication yr is non required for in-text citations. Sometimes, page numbers or line numbers are also included, especially when text is quoted from the source being cited. In-text citations are mentioned in the text in ii ways: equally a citation in prose or a parenthetical commendation. The example beneath shows how to cite a periodical in the text.

Citation in prose

Citations in prose employ the writer's full name when citing for the showtime time. Thereafter, only use the surname. Avoid including the heart initial even if it is present in the works-cited-list entry. An case of a citation in prose for a periodical with i author is below:


Commencement fourth dimension: Kathy Goldstein explains the picture of the area.

Subsequent occurrences: Goldstein explains the picture of the area.


Parenthetical citations add only the author's surname at the finish of the judgement in parentheses. An example of a parenthetical citation is below:


The picture show of the expanse is explained (Goldstein).

What is an MLA commendation generator?

An MLA citation generator is a tool that tin can help you easily create MLA formatted citations and works cited entries. You can endeavor the EasyBib MLA citation generator at

For some source types, merely a single piece of information is needed in order to generate a citation. For example, the ISBN of a book, the DOI of a periodical article, or the URL of a website. For other source types, a form volition bespeak what information is needed for the citation, and and so automatically formats the commendation.